
Ephesians 3


God’s eternal purpose which He accomplished is Christ Jesus (v11) is that the manifold wisdom of God may now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places (v10). The rulers and authorities are referring to the angels, both good and the fallen angels.

On Paul’s second prayer in Ephesians, he prayed about four requests, which one request leads into the next one and so on. Paul prayed that:

1) God the Father will strengthen our inner man through the Holy Spirit (v16)
2) so that Christ may dwell in our heats through faith (v17)
3) so that we have the the power to grasp the love of Christ (v18)
4) which will result in us being filled with the fullness of God (v19)


  1. v1-13 God’s Eternal Purpose in Christ Jesus, the mystery of Christ: His Church
  2. v14-21 Paul second prayer in Ephesians


  • v4: […the mystery of Christ…] This mystery is a sacred secret that is unknown to both Jews and gentiles throughout the ages, but now is reviled by Paul to the church of Christ. Today this secret is still unknown to unbelievers, but understood and treasured by Christians
  • v8: […I am less than the least of all God’s people…]
  • v8: […the unsearchable riches of Christ…]
  • v10-11: [His intent was that now, throught the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to His eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.]
  • v14: [For this reason I kneel before the Father]
  • v19: […that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God]

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