Request for Prayer v1: [… pray for us..]. Some Christians think only the more spiritual Christians should pray for the less spiritual Christians. No so with Paul. Paul, as apostle, an elderly brother, a teacher, a missionary, asked the young Church at Thessalonica to pray for him. Christians workers many prayers to uphold his works for the Lord. v1: […the […]
3 posts
The Man of Lawlessness (v1-12) I like the quote from Warren Wiersbe: “The purpose of Bible prophecy is not for us to make a calendar, but ot build character.” v1: [the coming of our Lord..]. referring to the Lord Jesus’s second coming. v1: [..our being gathers to Him]. Referring to the rapture of Christians v2: False teachers and self proclaimed […]
Worthy of God’s calling in our life (v1-12) v1: Paul as the main writer, together with his coworkers Silas and Timothy wrote this epistle from Corinth (Acts 18:5), soon after they wrote the first letter to the Thessalonians Church. v2: The Lord Jesus Christ and God are frequently mentioned together in NT, implying the equality of God the Father and […]