
65 posts

Response Paper for Plowshares & Pruning Hooks: Rethinking Prophecy & Apocalyptic by Brent Sandy

Introduction Plowshares and Pruning Hooks: Rethinking the Language of Biblical Prophecy and Apocalyptic was written by Brent Sandy, a professor and chair of the department of religious studies at Grace College in Winona Lake, Indiana when the book was published by InterVarsity Press in 2002. The book aims to examine how biblical prophecy and apocalyptic genre work. In this paper, […]


希伯来圣经的书名是“何竟”,说出了这本书的主题 第一个“何竟”(1:1)的重点是圣城变成寡妇。城代表见证,教会失去了基督的见证。 第二个“何竟”(2:1)的重点是神不纪念自己的脚凳。脚凳代表约柜(代上28:2),是神同在的象征。教会失去了主的同在。 第三个“何竟”(4:1)的重点是锡安宝贵的众子从精金变成瓦瓶。锡安是大卫的居所,代表基督的宝座。教会失去了基督是王是主的实际。 第一首诗描写耶路撒冷犹如哭泣的寡妇孀居哀悼,她是‘没有安慰,’(一2,9,17,21,)‘没有安息,’(3,另译,)‘没有草场。’(6,另译。) 圣城遭受灾难。(一1~7。) 神的审判显祂为公义。(一8~11。) 向过路人哀求同情。(一12~19。) 向神祷告。(一20~22。) 第二首诗描写耶路撒冷被围的情形。先知说得非常清楚,这些严厉的刑罚是乃出乎神。 城被围困和倾覆。(二1~14。) 过路人的嘲笑和侮辱。(二15~16。) 审判出乎主。(二17。) 向神祷告。(二18~22。) 第三首诗是旧约中极可注意的诗歌。在此先知使自己和城(代表百姓)一致,看它的困苦和伤痛就是自己的。 城受困苦。(三1~20。) 城有指望。(三21~39。) 向百姓的要求。(三40~54。) 向神祷告。(三55~66。) 第四首诗描写耶路撒冷像失光变色的金子。 城被困时的恐怖。(四1~10。) 神的审判是祂公义的表示。(四11~16。) 仇敌的残酷。(四17~20。) 以东遭报。(四21~22。) 第五首诗是先知所发的祷告,作第四首诗的结束。 城的遭遇。(五1~6。) 承认罪孽。(五7。) 痛苦。(五8~18。) 求神施恩。(五19~22。)

Eight Visions of Zechariah

Overview Ch 1 – 6 consists of 8 visions Zechariah saw in one night (1:8) There was an angel who interprets the visions for Zechariah but leaves some of the symbols unexplained. Zechariah fall as sleep after the fourth vision, the angle had to wake him up (4:1) These visions mix the work of the Messiah in both advents Like […]

Zechariah Introduction

Author Zechariah means “Yahweh Remembers” Contemporary of Haggai. Haggai was born in Judah before the exile, while Zechariah was born in Babylon after the exile, he was the grandson of Iddo, who had returned to Jerusalem from Babylon (Neh 12:4, 16). thus Zechariah was much younger than Haggai Like Jeremiah and Ezekiel, Zechariah is born in a priestly family (Neh […]

Haggai Introduction

Theme Key Theme: Rebuilding The Temple of the LORD Key Verse: 1:8 Go up into the mountains and bring down timber and build the house, so that I may take pleasure in it and he honored The destruction of the temple by Nebuchadnezzar followed the departure of God’s glory (Ezek 8-11). To Haggai, the rebuilding of the temple invited the […]

Zephaniah Chapter 3

After the prophesies about the gentiles, the prophet returned back to the city of Jerusalem v5: “The LORD within her is righteous”. Even though sometimes it may seems that God does not punish the wicked and reward the righteous. If we think that way, we are saying that God is not righteous. This scripture tells us that God does NO […]

Zephaniah Chapter 2

v2: The goal of this book is not to bring people to despair, but to repentance and obedience. v3: God is calling the Jews to seek Him be humble do what He commands Seek righteousness Seek humility v3: Many died in the Babylonians invasions, others were spared and some were exiled to Babylon. v4-5: Judgement will come to the gentiles […]

Zephaniah Chapter 1

v1: “The word of the LORD that came …” the same opening were also used by Hosea, Joel and Micah. This book, just like all the books in the bible, was written by the Holy Spirit through His chosen vessel, the prophets of God v1: Zephaniah was the only prophet whose lineage is traced by to four generations. Probably because […]