Introduction Plowshares and Pruning Hooks: Rethinking the Language of Biblical Prophecy and Apocalyptic was written by Brent Sandy, a professor and chair of the department of religious studies at Grace College in Winona Lake, Indiana when the book was published by InterVarsity Press in 2002. The book aims to examine how biblical prophecy and apocalyptic genre work. In this paper, […]
___________________ A Paper Presented to Dr. Glenn R. Kreider Dallas Theological Seminary ___________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course ST101 Theological Method And Bibliology ___________________ by Ken Suanjong Yeo February 2020 Respond to grenz & olson’s who needs theology Definitions of Theological Terms I will define the following theological terms with my own words based on my […]
CHAPTER # RESPONSE PAPER TO CARE OF SOULS ___________________ A Paper Presented to Dr. Erik Salwen Dallas Theological Seminary ___________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course BC5101 Pastoral Counseling ___________________ by Ken Suanjong Yeo October 2020 response paper to care of souls The Thesis of the Author […]
CHAPTER # REVIEW OF THE BASIC OF VERBAL ASPECT IN BIBLICAL GREEK BY CONSTANTINE R. CAMPBELL ___________________ A Paper Presented to Dr. Benjamin Simpson Dallas Theological Seminary ___________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course NT5102OL Elements of Greek Grammar ___________________ by Ken Suanjong Yeo August 2020 REVIEW […]
CHAPTER # response to deere’ surprised by the voice of god ___________________ A Paper Presented to Dr. Glenn Kreider Dallas Theological Seminary ___________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course ST101 Theological Method and Bibliology ___________________ by Ken Suanjong Yeo May 2020 response to deere’ surprised by the […]