
5 posts

Pastor well by leading people to the Shepherd King (Jeremiah 23:1-6)

Pastor well by leading people to the Shepherd King (Jeremiah 23:1-6)

Eternal Rewards for Pastors

Eternal Rewards for Pastors

How you live for Christ in this life will determine how Christ will reward you in eternity.

Eternal Rewards for Pastors

Introduction (Image) Imagine your graduation day has finally arrived. You are extremely excited. You have worked very hard for four years. You have been waiting for this day to come. At the graduation service, your friends and family are there. Your fellow graduates are there. The professors are there. The president, Dr. Mark Yarbrough, is there. Your name is called. […]

The Biblical Theology and Applications of Pastors as Shepherds, Priests, Kings, Prophets, and Sages

Introduction The Old Testament depicts God calling five kinds of ministers to lead His covenanted people. They are the shepherds, the priests, the prophets, the kings, and the sages. And the New Testament depicts that all these five roles can be found in the Lord Jesus Christ as the ultimate Minister of God. The Lord is the Chief Shepherd, the […]

Book Review for Care of Souls: Revisioning Christian Nurture and Counsel by David Benner

CHAPTER #       RESPONSE PAPER TO CARE OF SOULS   ___________________   A Paper Presented to Dr. Erik Salwen Dallas Theological Seminary   ___________________   In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course BC5101 Pastoral Counseling   ___________________   by Ken Suanjong Yeo October 2020   response paper to care of souls The Thesis of the Author […]