
4 posts

Jeremiah 46 – 52

The Nations 46-51 Jeremiah was called to be a prophets unto the nations (1:5) God previously had already proclaimed to the nations that they would drink the cup of the wrath of God (25:15) Ch 46 – Egypt Pharaoh Neco killed King Josiah (2 Chro 32:23) Pharaoh Neco was defeated by Nebuchadnezzar in the battle of Carchemish on the Euphrates […]

Jeremiah 36

Response to the Word of the LORD In chapter 36, we see that the word of the LORD was spread to many people. First the LORD spoke to Jeremiah, Jeremiah in turned dictate to Baruch to record them. Baruch read the word out loud in the upper courtyard of the temple and Micaiah heard it. Micaiah told the officials, and […]

Jeremiah Introduction

Background God called Jeremiah to be a prophet when he was a young man. It was in the thirteenth year of the reign of King Josiah (627B.C.). King Josiah was 8 when he became King, so he was 21 when God called Jeremiah. Jeremiah served beyond the fall of Judah for total of over 50 years from Kings Josiah to […]

Jeremiah 4

v3: Break up your unplowed ground and do not sow among thorns. The are many grounds in our life that has not been plowed. These could be areas in our life where we have not experience the works of the Lord. These could be areas where we are afraid to venture into, because of fear. These could be areas we […]