
Psalm 59


Saul gave orders to have David killed, he himself have tried two to kill David (1 Sam 19:10-11). Before these killing attempts, Saul may have sent out people to spy on David (v6, v14). So David wrote this Psalm to ask God for help.

God the Deliverer (v1-9)

v1: [set me securely on high away]. Because David saw the Lord as his fortress and high tower.

v3-4: Referring to Saul trying to kill David, although David didn’t sin against Saul.

v5: [awake]. Sometimes we think God is at sleep when we at in distress.

v5: [punish all the nations]. Because of Saul negligence as King, the Canaanites are preparing to attack Israel.

God the Judge (v10-17)

v11: [do not slay them]. David asked God not to kill Saul and his men with some sudden judgement, but to allow their own sins to catch up with them and consume them gradually. This would be a strong witness and a warning to the people of Isareael and teach them lessons they could learn no other way.

v13: [destroy them in wrath]. But finally David asked God to destroy his enemies, so the mean may know that God rules in Jacob and to end of the world. These enemies were hurting David, the anointing Kind of Israel, and they ultimately challenged the King of Kings, the God of Israel.

v14: For believer, morning will surely come where we will joyfully sing praises to our Lord. Our hope is our Lord.

Today, we don’t ask God in prayers to destroy people that sins against us. We believe God is just and righteous, He will judge those who are wicked, to show that He is the righteous God. However, because all spiritual attacks are the enemy – Satan. We should pray like David to God, ask God to destroy Satan, its evil power, its demons and its evil attacks against us so that we can give all the glory to God.

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