Daily Archives: 2012-12-27

2 posts

Daniel 10

Daniel’s Vision of Christ The mourning of Daniel (v1-3) The 3rd year of Cyrus was 536 BC. In the 1st year of Cyrus (538BC), he gave a decree to allow the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple (Ezra 1). The reason why Daniel mourned for three weeks was probably he learned that the rebuilding of the temple […]

Daniel 9

Seventy Shabuwa Reading of the Book of Jeremiah (v1-3) v1: The 1st year of Darius is 539BC v2: God had foretell Daniel regarding the fall of Babylon in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (ch 2), in Daniel’s dream of four beasts (ch 7). Actually Isaiah and Jeremiah had already prophesied the falls on Babylon. That may be the reason why Daniel is studying […]