
Psalm 46

  1. Martin Luther used this Psalm as the basis and wrote “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”.
  2. Background probably God’s deliverance of Jerusalem from Assyrians in the time of King Hezekiah (2 Kings 18-19, Isaiah 36-37).
  3. King Hezekiah was may have written this Psalm, and Psalm 47 and 48. It will be helpful to read Hezekiah’s prayer in 2 King 19:14-19 and compares it with Psalm 46-48.
  4. The focus is on the Lord and what He is to His trusting people.
  5. God is our Tower of Strength (1-3)
    1. No matter how big the challenges we face in life, God is our refuge (shelter).
  6. God is our stronghold (fortress) (4-7)
    1. God is in control. He raised His voice and the earth melted.
  7. God will be exalted. (8-11)
    1. Because Hezekiah trusted God is God (2 King 19:15), he prayed to God to show his dependence on God, and God delivered Judah from Assyrians by killing 185,000 Assyrians soldiers. (2 King 19:35).
    2. “know that I am God” (v10)
    3. God will lead us into victory when we trust in Him so that God could receive the glory He deserve.

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