Skip to content- Martin Luther used this Psalm as the basis and wrote “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”.
- Background probably God’s deliverance of Jerusalem from Assyrians in the time of King Hezekiah (2 Kings 18-19, Isaiah 36-37).
- King Hezekiah was may have written this Psalm, and Psalm 47 and 48. It will be helpful to read Hezekiah’s prayer in 2 King 19:14-19 and compares it with Psalm 46-48.
- The focus is on the Lord and what He is to His trusting people.
- God is our Tower of Strength (1-3)
- No matter how big the challenges we face in life, God is our refuge (shelter).
- God is our stronghold (fortress) (4-7)
- God is in control. He raised His voice and the earth melted.
- God will be exalted. (8-11)
- Because Hezekiah trusted God is God (2 King 19:15), he prayed to God to show his dependence on God, and God delivered Judah from Assyrians by killing 185,000 Assyrians soldiers. (2 King 19:35).
- “know that I am God” (v10)
- God will lead us into victory when we trust in Him so that God could receive the glory He deserve.