
Psalm 61


Written after David became King (v6). Probably while in exile from his son Absalom because David felt like he was at the end of the earth (v2).


v1: Religious men are satisfied by reading some prayers or doing some rituals. True child of God concerns about the hearer. He concerns that God would hear and response to him.

v2: David felt like he was at the end of the world, because he is no longer in Jerusalem, there the presence and the center of worship of God was. His spiritual condition was low, he cannot lift himself up from the condition, so he cried out to God to lead him to [the rock]. Today we no longer need to worship in a particular place. We can worship the Lord as long as we worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23). Jesus is the living stone (1 Peter 2:4), He is The Precious Corner Stone, whoever believer in Him will not be disappointed (1 Peter 2:6).

v3: [For You have been]: David’s past experience with God as his refuge and tower as a refugee from Saul has strengthen his faith. God has protected him before and will do that again this time.

v4:[dwell in Your tent forever]: Tent can be translated as tabernacle, which David had no access because he was in exile. But David’s heart long to live in the presence of God, not only presently, but through eternity. [take refuge in the shelter of Your wings]: as chicken are safe under the protection of the wings of hens, we can take refuge under the wings of God.

v5: [heard my vows]: Vows can be integrated into our prayers, as long as the vows are well considered, and truly for God’s glory. It is a grace of God of the heavens and earth is willing to honor our vows. [You have given me the inheritance]: all believers are co-heirs of God’s inheritance. [The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.] (Rom 8:16-17).

v6: God did bless David with long life (1 Kings 1:1). David is a fore shadow of Jesus, who came from the line of David, who is the King of Kings that reign the universe forever and ever.

v7: [He will abide]: He was a reference to the King David himself. King David is also a foreshadow of all believers, who will be Kings in God’s kingdom, to reign God’s creation together with the King of Kings. However, it is not by our own goodness, but is by the loving kindness and truth from our Lord that we can reign with Him.

v8:[sing praise]: David responses to God loving kindness and truth with song of praise. Praising God is what we will do in heaven forever, we need to practice and be good at it now. God is faithful in His covenant with us. We need to do our parts and pay our vows day by day to God. What is our vows? It is to offer up ourselves as living and holy sacrifice for the pleasure of our King. (Rom 12:1-2).

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