耶稣是应当称颂的 (马可福音十一1-11)

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I. 耶稣是掌权的王(11:1-6) II. 耶稣是谦卑的王(11:7-8) III. 耶稣是舍命的王(11:9-11)
I. 耶稣是掌权的王(11:1-6) II. 耶稣是谦卑的王(11:7-8) III. 耶稣是舍命的王(11:9-11)
What can we learn from the disciples’ failure to cast out a demon?
Because 1) it is our greatest honor to serve Christ, 2) we should follow Christ’s example, and 3) Christ would turn our sacrifice into something greater than anything we could imagine.