- 神牺牲祂的独生子来爱你(3:16-17)
- 信神独生子的就不被定罪(3:18-19)
- 信神独生子的能够胜过罪(3:20-21)
Tag: 神的爱
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- 认识神爱的世人
- 识神伟大的爱
- 认识神的独生子
- 认识不信的人的后果
- 认识信的人的后果
Ezra Chapter 3 Notes
Ezra Chapter 3
By Ken Yeo
Last Updated: 2021-6-8
1. Big picture of rebuilding the temple (Ch. 1-6)
a) Return (chapter 1-2)
b) Building the temple (Ch. 3-6)
2. Chapter 3 outline
a) rebuilding the altar (3:1-6)
i. building the altar (3:1-2)
ii. responses at the alter completion (3:3-6)
b) rebuilding the temple foundation (3:7-13)
i. building the temple’s foundation (3:7-9)
ii. responses at the temple’s foundation completion (3:10-13)
3. Building the altar (3:1-2)
a) Feasts
i. The seventh month is a literary inclusio for v1 to v6.
ii. The seventh month is the Jewish second set of feasts: Trumpet, Atonement, Tabernacle (Lev 23). It is known as Tishri, in September-October in our calendar.
b) Leaders
i. The two leaders of the return are introduced: Jeshua, the high priest (Zech 3:1), and Zerubbabel, the descendent of David. Zerubbabel is the grandson of Jehoiachin (2 Kings 24)
ii. Jeshua is the high priest. His grandfather, Seraiah, was killed by Nebuchadnezzar (2 Kings 25:18-21). Ezra is also from the line of Seraiah (7:1). Normally Zerubbabel’s name is mentioned first (Ezra 3:8; Hag 1:1, 12, 14); this time, Jeshua’s name is first, probably because he, as the high priest, was the leader in building the altar.
c) Unity
i. Israel is used instead of Judah. Although most people were from the southern kingdom, namely the tribe of Judah and Benjamin, they represent the entire kingdom of Israel.
ii. The people are children of Israel (v1), the altar is the altar of the God of Israel (v2). Many returned, but all gathered as one man before God(v1). This is corporate worship in unity.
d) Altar
i. They build the altar of the God of Israel first. There is no worship without an altar.
ii. They offered burnt offerings by following the Law of Moses, the man of God. Worship must follow God’s way. We will see the importance of Laws again when Ezra returned later in Ezra 7:2, almost 80 years later.
iii. Moses is called the man of God (also in Deut 33:1; Josh 14:6), just like Samuel, Elijah, and Elisha (1 Sam 9:9; 1 Kings 17:18; 2 Kings 4:7). It is another name for prophets.
4. Responses at the alter completion (3:3-6)
a) They worshipped God despite fearing the peoples of the lands.
b) They offered burned offerings to the LORD in the morning and evening according to the law (Ex 29:38-42; Num 28:1-8): first offering since exile, the last offering was 50 years ago. These are daily offering.
c) They kept the Feast of Tabernacle according to the law. They lived in tents to remind them how God had provided them during the 40 years of wilderness. The feast was celebrated in the original temple dedication (2 hr 5:30). On Ezra’s return, they would also celebrate the Feast of Tabernacle (Ezra 8:17).
d) Other offerings were made, including the new moon and freewill offerings. The new moon offering is offered monthly, and the freewill offerings can be offered any time. The point is, Israel has reestablished the sacrifices commanded by Yahweh.
e) They offered burnt offerings on the 1st day of the seventh month, at the feast of Trumpet.
f) All these offerings are done before the temple foundation has laid, similar to what David did, he built an altar and offered sacrifices before the Solomonic temple was built (1 Ch 21:28-22:1)
5. Building the temple’s foundation (3:7-9)
a) The foundation of the temple was not yet laid.
b) They hired masons and carpenters to build the temple foundation
c) It was God’s provision that the Israelites could use the grand from Cyrus to build the temple’s foundation
d) They give food, drink, and oil to the Sidonians and Tyrians (non-Jews) to bring cedar trees from Lebanon via Joppa, just as the 1st templet (1 Kings 5:1-10; 2 Chro 2:1-16). These activities passed through two provinces of Cyrus. It would be tough to accomplish without Cyrus’s decree, another sign of God’s provision.
e) Zerubbabel and Joshua are mentioned again. They are the leaders
f) They became the work on the second month of the second year (May 536BC), 70 years after the first exile in 605BC. The work of the original temple was also started in the second month (1 Kings 6:1).
g) They appointed the Levites, who are 20-year-old and up, to supervise the work
h) Jeshua and family, and the sons of Henadad and the Levites supervised the workmen
i) The Levites Jeshua and Kadmiel were mentioned in 2:40.
6. Responses at the temple’s foundation completion (3:10-13)
a) When the builders laid the foundation, the priests and Levites, including the sons of Asaph, praised the Lord according to the arrangements set up by King David of Israel (1 Chr. 16:5-6).
b) The laying of the temple’s foundation is a fulfillment of God’s prophecy (Is 44:26).
c) They sang: "For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever toward Israel." The Israelites sang the same song when the first temple was built (2 Chr 5:13). They praise God’s goodness and steadfast love to them as the people of Israel because it was God who brought them back to the land. Jeremiah has prophesied that Yahweh would bring his people back to the land, and the land would once again filled with a voice of gladness and would sing the song again (Jer 33:10-11). God is indeed faithful, good and His steadfast love endures forever. This song is also the basis of many of David’s songs for David understood God’s character. Many Psalms (Ps 106,107,118) have the same theme. The name of Yahweh reveals His characters as He revealed to the Israelites through Moses in Ex 34:5-7.
d) All people shouted with a great shout to praise the Lord because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid
e) Those who have seen the first temple wept with a loud voice that can be heard far away. They might be comparing the size of the foundation. Haggai (Hag 2:3, 9) and Zachariah (Zec 4:10) preached against it. God said He would fill this house with glory; the latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former (Hag 2:7-9). They could also weep because they remembered it was the nation’s sin and idolatry and disobedience to God’s law that had brought divine judgment upon them. If that is the case, these were the tears of repentance.
f) They could not distinguish the sound of the joyful shout from the sound of the weeping.
g) The emphasis of this section is the celebration, not the actual building.
1. God raised Jeshua and Zerubbabel as leaders to the Israelites to rebuild the altar and temple. God always raises up leaders to lead His people to worship Him. We are all leaders in different capacities, and maybe God is raising you as a leader for a small group or a leader in your community. Are you willing to respond to God’s leading?
2. The Israelites built the altar first because it is the most important thing. Christians ought to make our worship to the Lord our number one priority in life. Do you have a "family altar" in your home? How important is worship to your family?
3. Just as the Israelites worshiped God despite fear for the surrounding peoples, Christians ought to worship God despite fear of persecution from the world.
4. Just as the Israelites worship God as one, we as Christians are members of the body of Christ. When we interact with Christians from different backgrounds, we should always keep the unity of Christ’s body in mind by concentrating on our similarities, not our differences (John 17; Eph 4).
5. The Israelites who returned rebuilt the temple’s foundation knew it was Yahweh’s goodness and steadfast love that allows them to return to reestablish their worship to Yahweh. God is good. His steadfast love endures forever. We as Christians ought to worship God and praise Him for His goodness and steadfast love, for He would never forsake us; when we drift away, He always works to bring us back to Him (John 10:29).
/RSS Feed“因为耶和华知道义人的道路;恶人的道路却必灭亡。” 基督是我们唯一到天父面前的道路”(约14:6)。所以教会开始的时候,被称为跟随这“道路”的人(使9:2)。这是十字架的道路,却是蒙福的路(太7:13-14)。天父知道我们在这道路上的每一个脚步,这是何等的安慰。
/RSS Feed以色列人被神拣选被神所爱,神也要以色列人爱祂,将迦南七国赶出迦南,拆毁他们的偶像,在应许之地享受神的祝福。同样的,神爱世人,拣选人蒙恩得救,神的旨意是要我们这些祂所爱的人以爱来回应祂,依靠圣灵赶出我们生命里一切肉体的邪情私欲,除去我们一切的偶像,享受在基督里天上一切属灵的福气。
- 还没有出生就死在妈妈肚子里的婴孩,包括小产和堕胎的婴孩。
- 还在婴孩的阶段就因着疾病、意外或者人为的伤害而离世的婴孩。
- 智商有问题,没有能力明白福音的人,包括已经是成人,可是智商却如婴孩的人。
- 圣经没有一节明显的经文说到死了的婴孩会去地狱
- 圣经也没有一节明显的经文说到死了的婴孩会去天堂
- 所以,需要用不明显但是有相关的经文来推论和回答这个问题
自从造天地以来, 神的永能和神性是明明可知的,虽是眼不能见,但借着所造之物就可以晓得,叫人无可推诿。(罗 1:20)
大卫说:「孩子还活着,我禁食哭泣;因为我想,或者耶和华怜恤我,使孩子不死也未可知。孩子死了,我何必禁食,我岂能使他返回呢?我必往他那里去,他却不能回我这里来。」(撒下 12:22-23)
并且你们的妇人孩子,就是你们所说、必被掳掠的,和今日不知善恶的儿女,必进入那地。我要将那地赐给他们,他们必得为业。(申 1:39)
这是显出律法的功用刻在他们心里,他们是非之心同作见证,并且他们的思念互相较量,或以为是,或以为非。(罗 2:15)
RSS Feed巴兰的道路警戒我们不要以敬虔为得利的门路去服事神。虽然仇敌要攻击杀害神的百姓,但因为神是信实的,神既然在基督里拣选了我们,神就会保守我们,没有任何的人事物能够叫我们与基督的爱隔绝。
RSS Feed保罗用四个“谁能”的问题来说明我们救恩的稳固,这些都是反问的问题,答案都是“不”!谁能敌挡我们呢?(31节)谁能控告神所拣选的人呢?(33节)谁能定他们的罪呢?(34节)谁能使我们与基督的爱隔绝呢?(35节)
RSS Feed神的福音是全备的,因信称义的人的盼望是极荣耀的,而且是不会失望的,是有确据的。因为人得救,是因为神的爱,不是因着人的行为。当我们还是罪人的时候,基督就为我们死了,神的爱就在此显明了!
当我们看见神的恩典是如此的大,神对我们的爱是如此的深, 神救赎的计划是如此的荣耀时,我们该有的反应就是依靠圣灵,以神为我们的喜乐,以认识神,敬拜神,服事神为我们的满足,一切的荣耀都归给神!