Daily Archives: 2013-06-29

2 posts

Jeremiah 46 – 52

The Nations 46-51 Jeremiah was called to be a prophets unto the nations (1:5) God previously had already proclaimed to the nations that they would drink the cup of the wrath of God (25:15) Ch 46 – Egypt Pharaoh Neco killed King Josiah (2 Chro 32:23) Pharaoh Neco was defeated by Nebuchadnezzar in the battle of Carchemish on the Euphrates […]

Lamentation Overview

Who Wrote The Book? Author was not mentioned Strong evidence inside and outside the text points to Jeremiah as the author Septuagint has a note stating Jeremiah as the author The Name of the Book In Hebrew is “ekah”, it is the first word of the of this book in Hebrew bible (1:1;2:1;4:1). Can be translated “Alas!” or “How” Translators […]