
Job 32


Job had the last word in his debate with his friends, so it seem that Job had won the debate. Elihu, a younger man has been listening to Job and his three friends’ debates. He didn’t interrupt until they are finished because he thought older men should have more wisdom (v7), which he found out it was not the case after listening to all their speeches (v9).

Then Elihu spoke something remarkable: [But it is a spirit in man. And the breath of the Almighty gives them understanding.] (v8). The breath of Almighty is the Holy Spirit, only Him can give us understanding of spiritual matters.

Elihu was in anger when he spoke, because Job justified himself before God (v2), and because Job’s three friends found no answer, but had condemned Job (v3).

Elihu said that he has a lot to say, because the Holy Spirit urges him to do so (v18).

He said he would not show partiality to anyone, and would not flatter any men, because that would displease God, and he would be taken away by God. (V21)

The Wrath of Elihu, from the Butts set. Pen an...
The Wrath of Elihu, from the Butts set. Pen and black ink, gray wash, and watercolour, over traces of graphite (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Life’s Lesson

The age of a believer does not always reflect how much he knows Christ. It is how much our spirit is yielding to the Holy Spirit in the years we follow Christ that dictate how much we know our Lord. May we all have the desire to grow in our knowledge and relationship with Him as we advance in age.

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