

词曲:Andrae Crouch (1942-2015)

荣耀归于真神,荣耀归于真神, 荣耀归于真神,因祂成就大事。

祂流血,救我性命;祂能力,使我复兴; 荣耀归于真神,因祂成就大事。

愿我活着生命–讨主的喜悦,听主令; 一切荣耀和赞美,都归于加略山顶。

祂流血,救我性命;祂能力,使我复兴; 荣耀归于真神,因祂成就大事。



By Lindsay Terry, originally published on the St. Augustine Record

The choir master of the children’s film, “Lion King,” wrote “My Tribute.”

Andrae Crouch was raised in a godly pastor’s home and had the Christian training of loving parents. He also had a wonderful relationship with his twin sister, Sandra, who called him her “womb-mate.” He began to play the piano at age 11, with no formal training.

In an interview in 2001, Andrae told me the following story.

“When I became 18 years of age, God called me to work in the Los Angeles Center of Teen Challenge, founded by David Wilkerson, author of the famed book, “The Cross and the Switchblade.” During my first day at the center, I came into contact with Larry Reed, half-white and half-Mexican, who had been released from San Quentin Prison. He was a totally radical guy, an atheist, who didn’t want anything to do with the Lord. However, he began to really love my music and finally became a Christian.”

“As I was thanking God for those experiences at the teen center, I received a phone call from Larry Reed. He said, ‘Hey Andy! This is Larry.’ I kinda chuckled. He said, ‘I had a dream about you the other night. I dreamed that you were going to write a song that is going to go around the world. It will be the biggest song you ever wrote, to this day.’ “

“I asked, ‘Well, what do I have to read?’ He said, ‘Read John, chapter 17.’ In that passage Jesus said, ‘Father, I have glorified Thee, now glorify me.’ I read the passage and didn’t feel any inspiration to write.”

“The following morning I got up singing ‘to God be the glory.’ I asked myself, ‘Where did that come from?’ I then went to the piano and wrote “My Tribute,” in about 10 minutes.”

“That evening I was a dinner guest in a home, and we sang “My Tribute” for about an hour. I told them about Larry’s prediction, that I would write a song that would go all over the world. My host, Carrie Gonzalo, asked, ‘This morning, you wrote the song we’ve just been singing?!!’ I said, ‘Yes, but it can’t be that song!’”

“As we sat there we read the scripture passage in John chapter 17, which Larry suggested. “I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” I excitedly said, ‘It’s all about GLORY!’”

“To God be the glory,

To God be the glory,

To God be the glory,

For the things He has done.”

Andrae Crouch passed away on Jan. 8 of this year at age 72. He was the co-pastor of Christ Memorial Church of God and Christ in Los Angeles.

“For of him, and through him,

and to him, are all things: to whom

be glory for ever. Amen” -Romans 11:36