
Philippians 2

United In Christ (1-5)

Paul’s joy is complete (v2) when he sees the Church of Christ is united in Christ (v1).

What is the meaning of united in Christ? It is when all believers think like Christ, with the love of Christ, are one in spirit, have their purpose in Christ, and have the attitude of humility as Christ (v5).

Humility of Christ (v6-11)

This is one of the most glorious passages of Christ’s humility and exaltation.

Children of God shining as Stars (v12-18)

In 1:27, Paul said believers ought to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Here in 2:15, Paul continues the same topic, but this time referencing God the father. We need to conduct ourselves like the children of God. In this crooked and depraved generation, we ought to shine like stars in the universe.

v12: [..work out your salvation…]. It does not mean salvation by work. Paul did not say work for your salvation, but work out your salvation. It means believer’s responsibility for active pursuit of obedience in the process of sanctification.

v16: [… boast on the day of Christ…]. Third reference to the day of Christ (1:6,10). In the day of Christ, rewards will be given to Christ’s laborers.

v17: [..being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith..]. Paul think himself is like the wine being poured out on the sacrifice of the saints in Philippi. When wine is poured on a sacrifice on altar, the wine will be vaporized with pleasing aroma (Ex 29:41). What a great picture of laborers of God working together to please God.

v17-18: [.. I am glad and rejoice…you too should be glad and rejoice..]. Rejoicing together as co-laborers of Christ, as children of God. Do you rejoice when working with other believers to serve our Lord?

Timothy (v19-24)

Paul follows the above passage with two great examples of children of God whom are shining like stars, who co-labored with Paul and with the Philippi church for Christ.

Paul praised Timothy for:

  1. takes a genuine interrest in the welfare of the church at Philippi (v20)
  2. Does not look for his own interests, but look for the interests of Christ (v21)
  3. served with Paul in the work of the gospel (v22)

Epaphroditus (v25-30)

Who is Epaphroditus?

  1. A brother in Christ
  2. Fellow worker of Christ
  3. Fellow soldier of spiritual warfare
  4. Messenger of the church of Philippi
  5. Came to take care of Paul’s needs
  6. Almost died for the work of Christ

Oh Lord, may you lift up more Epaphroditus in today’s church!

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