Some suggested that David was serving in Saul’s court when he wrote this Psalm. (1 Sam 18-20).
v1: David came to God and ask for God’s protection every time he faced attacks from his enemies, how about us?
v2: Spurgeon’s comment: “From their hidden snares hide me. Circumvent their counsel; let their secrets be met by thy secret providence, their counsels of malice by thy counsels of love.”
v3: Tongues and words are like swords and arrows. James 3:1-12 talks about the danger of our tongues if we do not control it.
v4: How should we react when someone suddenly attacks us with their words?
v5: The wicked like to come together to discuss their evil plans. We need to pay attention on who do we spend our time with? Do we unknowingly when time with others gossiping and think that [Who will see them]?
v6: The wicked thought they have a perfect plan. There can never be perfect plan of evil under the watch of the righteous God. There are always holes in those plans of evil.
v7-8: God punished the wicked with their own method. v3 mentioned that they wicked used their tongues and words and swords and arrow, to attack their target suddenly. That is exactly how God would punish them.
v9: The wicked planed the plan in secret, but their punishment from God will be display in public. Men will see that works of God and ponder on what He has done.
v10: This psalm starts with cry of one man to God, and ends with praise with great rejoice of righteous men because we have a righteous God!