
Psalm 65


Psalm 64 marks the end of Psalm of pleading. This Psalm is the first in a series of four (Psalm 65-68) Psalm of praise. David is the author. Perhaps it was to commemorate a remarkably plentiful harvest.


  1. v1 – 4: God’s people approach God
  2. v5 – 8: God’s answer
  3. v9 – 13: Harvest song of praise


v1: [Praise awaits you]: God’s people is waiting in silence to prepare for a praise and worship session to God. NASB translation is [There will be silence before You]. Music is not a prerequisite to praise God. Just like rest in music, it is a necessary. Silence before God is a necessary in worshiping God. Just come before the Creator and meditate on His greatness. Zion is where God’s present was. It is an image of the church. Just imagine, the church, thousands of believers, gathering together, without any sound, to praise our Savior!

All believers are in covenant with God. It is the New Covenant of Jesus Christ. The covenant is initiated by Christ to us. But how about our vows to Him? Zion pledge to fulfill their vows to God. We may have made special vows with Christ, may be is a promise to read His words daily, or a promise to dedicate our life to Him.

v2: [You] is mentioned many times throughput this Psalm. David believes in a personal God, not just a abstract idea. He is God who cares and hear prayers for those who prayed from their heart. All men can come to Him. No matter what your past failure, or sins were. As long as you are in Christ, God the father accepts you.

v3: [Iniquities prevail us]. Sins overpower us. Because of our sinful nature, we have no hope but to sin (Roman 7). Praise God, our Redeemer prevails sins. No matter what your transgressions were, when we come to Him, all our transgressions would be wipe as white as snow.

v4: So much is contained in this verse. [How blessed is the one who you choose]: Believers are chosen by God. Because by our own sinful nature, we have no ability to choose God. We would choose sins, and iniquities prevail us. Is it totally by grace we were chosen, how blessed we are! [bring near to You to dwell in Your courts]: The blessing continues. Those who were chosen, God brings us near to Him. We would have a relationship with God of the universe. Not only that, God wants us to dwell in His courts! He desires us to stay near Him. [Your house, Your Holy templa]: God desires us to stay in His house. What kind of person stay in the house of the Father? The children! Our sins were not only forgiven, God wanted us to be His children, to enjoy the goodness of His house.  Where is God’s house today? It is where God’s present it. It is His church (2 Tim). We are called to have enjoy the goodness in His Church.

v5: We prayed and God answered. God does not just answer, He always answer with awesome deeds! Our prayers could be unspiritual, and selfish, and earthly. But God, in His righteousness, would answer us. No matter we are on land, or on sea. God is always trustworthy.

v6: Mountains were formed and kept on its based by God

v7: God keeps the sea from flooding the land, He keep nations from turmoil.

v8: God’s wonders and His power in the natures can be observed by all nations. No matter where a man live, he could experience the power of God in the nature, e.g. earthquake, flooding, hurricane, tornado, tsunami. Those who do not know the God who is the Creator of nature in fear. But for us who know the Lord, we praise His wonders days and nights.

v9: Like a gardener surveys the garden and water the plants, God survey the earth and pour down rains to water the land. The rivers of God provides the water required to grow grain. Oh God, pour out your blessed rains into the church, for we are dry and lifeless without it.

v10: Israel may had an abundant harvest and David give all credits to God, who only by His provision, the crops could have the right condition to grow. Are we giving God all the credits for the blessing we receive in our life?

v11: God bless overflow with abundance. God’s love encircle the whole year. Each month has it gem, each day has its pearl.

v12: God not only blessed the men with great harvest. God blessing is also on the wilderness, to the animals in the jungle, to the grass and trees in the wild, even the hills rejoice in His blessing.

v13: Beautiful picture of a land blessed by God. This psalm started with citizens of Zion worshiping God in silence, and ended with songs of joy from the meadows and valleys, who join David and God’s people in praising God.

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