Skip to contentPsalm 90
- Written by Moses, the man of God (Deut 33:1)
- Oldest Psalm
- Theme: Contrasting God’s eternity with man’s brief life.
- V1-12: Human’s life is brief compares to the everlasting God
- V7-12: Sinful men are consumed by God’s anger, unless we ask God to number our days aright
- V13-17: Praying for God’s blessing: compassion (v13), love (v14), glad (v15), deeds (v16), establish the word of our hands (v17)
Psalm 91
- Theme: Security in Trusting the LORD
- V1-2: Security in the LORD: shelter; shadow; refuge; fortress
- V3-13: How God protects those to trust Him
- V14-16: God’s response to man’s love
Psalm 92
- Theme: Praise God in Sabbath
- V1-7 It is good to praise the Most High
- V8-15 God the exalted forever
Psalm 93
- Theme: The Lord reigns (v1)
- V1-2: The Lord establishes His reign
- V3-4: The Lord is mighty
- V5: The Lord’s house is holy
Psalm 94
- Theme: God is the Judge of the earth (v2)
- V1-7: Prayer for vengeance
- V8-15: Warning about judgment
- V16-23: Consolation from the Lord
Psalm 95
- Theme: The LORD is the great King, we are His worshipers
- Quote twice in Hebrew (v8: Heb 4:7; v10: Heb 4:3)
- V1-7: Praise for the Lord’s sovereignty
- V8-11: Warning against unbelief