
Romans 5:12-21 – Adam vs. Jesus Christ

Justification by Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone

God looks at all people and sees only two persons : Adam and Jesus Christ. 

From Adam: (Sin,Death)

  • First man was of dust (1Cor15:47)
  • Sin enters the world because of the sin of one man(v.12)
    • Adam and Eve are one body because of marriage (Gen)
  • Death enters world because of sin
    • Before Adam and Eve sinned, nothing on Earth died
    • Wages of sin is death (Rom )
  • Through Adam, death to many
    • Death “reigned” from Adam to Moses(v14)
    • No law before Moses
      • Death because of sin due to Adam’s line and not breaking of commands
      • (v20) Law increased the trespass, but trespass was present before law
    • All of us are descendants of Adam and Eve thus we are all sinners
    • The one sin brought condemnation to all (v19)
    • We bear the likeness of Adam because we are his descendants (1Cor15:48)
  • Adam was disobedient(v18)

From Jesus Christ: (Righteousness, Grace=> Life)

  • Second man is of heaven (1Cor15:47)
  • Grace enters through Jesus Christ (v15)
  • Gift of God (charisma) over judgment(v16)
    • Eternal life (v21)
  • New creation when we belong to Christ and no longer to Adam( 2 Cor 5:17)
  • Jesus was obedient(v18)
    • Jesus obeyed the will of the father (Phillipians 2:8)

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