
1 Chronicles 15

Carrying The Ark into Jerusalem

v2: [the LORD chose them to carry the ark of the LORD…]  The Ark represents the testimony and the presence of God. The Ark leads the Jews in the wilderness of Sanai, into the promised land, into victory against the City of Jericho. In today’s church, God is calling and waiting for believers who are willing to carry the ark, to be His testimony, to bring the presence of God among His people, are you willing to carry the ark?

v12: The is two requirements before anyone can carry the ark, first the person needs to be a priest, second he needs to consecrate himself. In today’s church, to carry the ark, there is two requirements, first the person needs to be a believers of Jesus Christ. All believers are priests in the NT (1 Peter (2:5, 9). Second, the person needs to consecrate himself. It means to make himself clean. How do we make ourselves clean? We are cleansed by the blood of the lamb, by the blood of our Savior Jesus. We however need to stay clean, by living a holy life, away from sins, and do not conform to the patterns of world (Rom 12:2).

v13: [..We did not inquire of Him..]. David made a mistake, he admitted his mistake, learned from the experience but did not give up. And then he try to bring the ark into Jerusalem again, this time according to the way of the Lord. No matter how spiritual we are,  we would eventually make mistake in our life. the important thing is to learn from the mistake, confess our weakness or sins before the Lord, and no to repeat it again. Do not let mistakes prevent us from carry the ark of the Lord.

v16: […singers to sing joyful songs..]. Carry the ark seems like a huge burden, but in David’s time the levites were singing with joys. The atmosphere was a joyful one. Do you have joy when carrying the testimony of the Lord? If not, that is something wrong, and you need to come to the Lord before you continue to carry the ark.

v17: […Asaph..] He wrote several psalms.

v22: […Kenaniah …was in charge of the singing…because he was skillful at it..]. God gives different spiritual gifts to His people according to His will. Our job is to learn what our gift is and to use it to the fulless potential the way God has designed and intended in our life.

v26: […God had helped the Levites who were carrying the ark..]. Sometimes we may be weary when carrying the testimony of the Lord, but remember, God is with us, when we are faithful to His calling in our life, He will help us to carry the ark, to fulfill the calling. We need to learn to trust in Him.

v29: [..she despised him in her heart]. Sometimes when we carry the testimony of Jesus in our life, others would laugh at us. Do not let the enemies distract us from carrying the testimony of the Lord. Remember you are not carrying the testimony alone, many brothers and sisters are carrying the same testimony with you. For the ark was carried by more than one priest.

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