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书 以色列人 犹大人 撒母耳记下24:9 800,000 500,000 历代志上21:5 1,100,000 470,000 区别 300,000 30,000 原因 撒母耳没有记载288,000服侍王的特种部队(代上27:1-15) 有可能区别是便雅悯数目(历代记21:6) 圣经有两处记载大卫数点百姓的数目,一处是在撒母耳记下24:9,另一处是在历代志上21:5。两处记载的以色列人和犹大人的数目不一样,这两个数目如何协调呢? 第一,我们要明白圣经里的大数目有许多时候是以整数来计算。撒母耳记下24:9提到800,000拿刀的以色列勇士,这是一个整数,真真的数目可能是790,512人,或者804,123人,作者把数目四舍五入到最接近的十万位数。这个就能够解释犹大30,000人的区别,但不足够解释以色列300,000人的区别。 第二,不同的作者可能会根据不同的方法计算人年数,在这里撒母耳记下和历代志上的作者是用不同的方法记载人数。在大卫王的年代,大卫有庞大的特种部队,这种部队有12班,每班有24,000军人,所以总共有288,000军人(代上27:1-15)。撒母耳记的作者选择不记载这些特种部队,可能是因为这288,000军人的特种部队的数目已经是以知之数,没有必要再次记载。但是历代记的作者却选择记载他们。800,000加上288,000就是1088,000,还差12,000人。历代记的作者很可能把数目四舍五入到最接近的十万位数,就是1,100,000人。 第三,犹大人的区别有30,000。这个区别也有可能是因为撒母耳记的作者把便雅悯族的人数算在犹大人的数目里,但是历代记的作者却没有。“惟有利未人和便雅悯人没有数在其中,因为约押厌恶王的这命令。”(代上21:6)。便雅悯族的产业的位置是连接在犹大族的产业的北方,所以把便雅悯计算在犹大族里是合理的。

1 Chronicles 29

Give Willingly to the LORD for all comes from the LORD (v1-20) The temple of the Lord is built with gold, silver, bronze, iron and various precious stones (v2). In NT, we are God’s temple: [Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?] (1 Cor 3:16). Are you building your life with […]

1 Chronicles 28

Plans for Building the Temple v1: David called all his leaders into Jerusalem for the announcement of building the temple. v2: It is interested that David called the leaders his brothers and his people. By calling the leaders who serve under him brothers, he put himself on the same level as them, even though he is the king. This is a […]

1 Chronicles 26

Gatekeepers and Treasurers This chapter list the names of the gatekeepers, their duties was already described in chapter 9, verse 17-27. Although they had many duties, their chef duty is the guard the treasuries of the temple (9:26). It was a very important work, because all the treasures in Israel was stored in the storehouse in the temple. These treasures […]

1 Chronicles 25

Serving the LORD with music This chapter is about the musicians who served in the house of God. We notice the following characteristics in the music ministry: The musical ministry was led by three men, instead of just one man: Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun (v1) Multiple kind of musical instruments were used: harps, lyres and cymbals (v1) The leaders were […]

1 Chronicles 21

David Numbers the Fighting Men How to Explain Discrepancies Chapter 21 is a repeat of the original record in 2 Samuel 24. There are few discrepancies in these two records on the numbers mentioned in this event, the following are the explanations of the discrepancies: David was incited by God or Satan? 2 Sam 24: [..the anger of the LORD burned […]

1 Chronicles 20

Victory Over Ammonites and Philistines Battle with Ammonites was originally recorded in 2 Sam 11:1, and the battle with the Philistines was originally recorded in 2 Sam 21:15-22. v1: Rabbah is the main city for the Ammonites, it is present day Amman in Jordan. v1: [David remained in Jerusalem…] Joab went to war against Ammonites, but David stays in Jerusalem. […]

1 Chronicles 19

The Battle Against the Ammonites and Arameans This chapter was originally written in 2 Sam 10. The one discrepancy is in 2 Sam 10:18, David killed 700 Arameans charioteers, but in 1 Cho 19:18, David killed 7000 charioteers. Most bible students think there was a copy error in 2 Sam 10:18. v2: It is possible that because Nahash, the King of […]

1 Chronicles 18

The LORD gave David victory everywhere he went The key verse of chapter 18 is verse 6, it is repeated again in verse 13. God is a faithful God, in this chapter, he is fulfilling His promise to David in chapter 17:8 [I have been with you wherever you have gone, and I have cut off all your enemies from […]

1 Chronicles 17

God’s Promise to David (v1-15) The content of chapter 17 is a repeat of 2 Samuel 7. God called David His servant twice (v4,7). When God someone to be His servant, He is going to be with him whenever he goes (v8). Although David is the King of Israel, but he is a servant of the King of Kings! This […]