
Ephesians 6

Background and Overview

After Paul talks about husband and wife, he continues to give two examples of  the life of believer who is filled with the Spirit (5:18), the relationship between parents and children, and between masters and slaves.

Full Armor of God

  1. Belt of truth:  The belt holds the other parts of the armor together, including the sword.Satan is a liar, but believer whose life is controlled by truth will defeat him. Unless we practice truth, we cannot use the Word of the truth.
  2. Breastplate of righteousness: The breastplate covered the body from the neck to the waist, both front and back. Satan is the accuser, but he cannot accuse the believer who is living a godly life in the power of the Spirit.
  3. The shoes of the Gospel of peace: Roman soldier wore sandals with hobnails in the soles to give him better footing for the battle. The Satan is wanted to make war among men. A believer who bring the gospel of peace where ever he goes on his shoes will defeat the enemy.
  4. The shield of faith: The shield was a large, usually 4 feet by 2 feet, made of wood, and covered with tough leather. It protected the soldier from spears and arrows. The edges of these shields were so constructed that an entire line of soldiers could interlock shields and march into the enemy like a solid wall. Satan is the attacker, but the believer who hold on the the Shield – the faith in Christ, no matter how fierce the attacks would be, the believer would be protected by his faith in Christ.
  5. The helmet of salvation: Helmet protect a soldier’s head. Satan likes to attack our mind,  but the believer who wear the helmet of salvation, salvation of our spirit, soul and body would be protected.
  6. The sword of the Spirit: The sword is the only offensive weapon God provides us. The Roman soldier wore on his beat a short sword which was used for close-in fighting. Satan was defeated by the words of God when he tried to tempt our Lord Jesus. In order to defeat the enemy, we must study the words of God, to a point where we see the Word of God, and the Word became our life, and the enemy would be defeated.

In one sense, the full armor of God is a picture of Jesus Christ.



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