
Ezekiel 5 – Shave your head and your beard!

God is at wrath

God is in anger and in wrath (v15) with His chosen people, the nation of Israel, the city of Jerusalem. Why? Because they rebelled against God’s laws and decrees more than the nations around her (v6).

That is a very scary scene, God’s people rebells against God more then the nations! I think about some of God’s churches today, if we watch like a watchman (3:17), we would see some behaviors that is worse than the world. Oh, God is in anger and in wrath with His people!

God had to act, else Israel would never repent. Therefore God said He would do to His people what He have never done before and will never do again (v10)! Unimaginable things would happen to His people (v11).

Shaving of Ezekiel Head and Beard

God asked Ezekiel to shave his head and beard, and divide them into three portions. None of the hair had good ending. That was God’s plan for Israel, God would punish them (v8).

Where is Jesus?

God is in anger, He is in wrath, He had to punish His chosen people. Today’s men and women in the world live in wickedness. They live as if God does not exist, and as if God would not punish them. When they find out about the fact, it would be too late!

What is the solution? Is there a way out?

Yes it is, that is why God sent His son to us.

“This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.” (1 John 4:10)

Jesus is our hope. What we deserve is punishment and judgement from God. Praise God that He had show us that He does not delight in punishment. When we are in Christ, we have confidence on the day of judgment (1 John 4:17).

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.” (1 John 4:18)

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