
Job 34


In Chapter 33, Elihu spoke to Job. In this chapter, Elihu spoke to Job’s friends. The main purpose of Elihu’s speech in chapter 34 is to vindicates God’s justice before Job and his friends(v1). Job defensed himself as one without transgression (v6), and thus accused God of being unjust for punishing him. Elihu set out to defense for God in this chapter.

The following are Elihu’s main points to show that God is righteous:

  1. God pays a man according to his work (v11)
  2. God alone has authority over this world (v13)
  3. God judge men regardless of their positions (v19)
  4. God see and know about everything about men (v21-23), thus God does not need to inquire men like human judges do (v24)

To defense God’s justice, Elihu criticized Job with the following sins:

  1. drinks up derision like water (v7). In another word, laugh at others frequently
  2. walks with wicked men (v8)
  3. speaks without knowledge and wisdom(v35)
  4. answers like wicked men (v36)
  5. rebellion (v37)
  6. multiplies his words against God (v37).

Life’s Lesson

There are times we need to be like Elihu to defense for God. Are you equipped with His words to defense for God? When the enemy attacks us, our weapon is the sword of the Spirit, which is the words of God.

If we do not know the Lord, we cannot defense for Him. To know Him is to spend time with Him, in His words, in prayers.

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