
Outline of the book of Ezekiel

Key Theme

Showing reverence for the name and glory of God

Key verse: 6:7

“… you will know that I am the LORD”.

This verse appears 70 times in Ezekiel

Outline of the book

  1. The prophets call (ch 1-3)
    1. Seeing God’s glory (1)
    2. Hearing God’s word (2)
    3. Becoming God’s watchman (3)
  2. The fall of Jerusalem (ch 4-24)
    1. The judgment predicted (4-7)
    2. God’s glory departs (8-11)
    3. Godless leaders exposes (12-17)
    4. God’s justice defended (18-21)
    5. The end of the city (22-24)
  3. The nations judged (ch 25-32)
    1. Ammon
    2. Moab
    3. Edom
    4. Philistia
    5. Tyre
    6. Sidon
    7. Egypt
  4. The glorious Future of Israel (33-48)
    1. The city of Jerusalem restored (33-34)
    2. The land of Israel renewed (35-36)
    3. The nation of Israel resurrected and reunited (37-39)
    4. The temple and the priesthood reestablished (40-48)

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