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Strong believers ought to consider weaker believers (v1)
- Do not please ourselves, please others instead, like Christ (v3, Ps 69:9)
- Do not cause our weaker brothers to stumbles (14:21)
- Do not despise our weaker brothers (14:2)
- Accept one another, like Christ (v7)
- We do this to with hope to build up (14:19), not to tear down (14:20) our brothers up so they can be edified (v2) and become more mature spiritually.
We live to glorify our God (v6)
- When we treat each others according to God’s will, God is glorified (v7)
- God has lessons for each one of us to learn, no matter where we are spiritually.
- The bible is our compass of conducts in life
- God gives us perseverance and encouragement through scriptures (v4,5)
- Many examples of life changed in this bible
- God has changed us
- God will change the weaker members as well
Christ ministers to both the Jews and Gentiles (v8-9)
- These scriptures show that salvation is not exclusive to Jews, God has gentiles in mind in the beginning
- v9 is a quote from 2Sa 22:50, Ps 18:49
- v10 is a quote from Deut. 32:43
- v11 is a quote from Ps 117:1
- v12 is a quote from Isa 11:10, Rev 5:5, Rev 22:16
- God’s principle – Jews first, Gentile next
- He was a minister of Christ Jesus, a priest of the gospel of God, (v16), preached the gospel of Christ everywhere he went (v19).
- Paul’s ministry is to preach places where Jesus has not be preached, he used Isa 52:10 (v21) to back up his action.
- Paul’s was longing to have fellowship with the believers in Rome (v23)
- However he was delaying his trip to Rome because of his duty to deliver some funds to the Jerusalem’s church (v26)
- Gentiles believers are indebted to the Jews because the gospel came from Jews (v27)
- Paul acknowledged he needed the prayers of others (v30)