The suffering we experienced is nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed to us (v18, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18)
Gen 3:17 tells us the ground was cursed because of Adam’s sin. Romans 8:19-21 further elaborates that the whole creation was under cursed. The creation has been living as slavery, suffers the pains of childbirth in this corrupted world after the fall (v21,v22)
The creation has been waiting for the glory of the children of God to be fully revealed, when it happened, the creation will be set free (v19, v21)
Three groaning
whole creation – because they are no free, living in a corrupted world (v22)
believers – because we still living in a body that will eventually die (v23)
Holy Spirit – He intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words, according to the will of God the father (v26, v27)
When the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (v28)
What should we do to be conformed to the image of Jesus?
Love God (v28)
Live according to the Holy Spirit (v5-v6)
God’s eternal will is to conform us to the image of Jesus Christ, who is the firstborn among many brethren (v29), God’s eternal will is bring many sons into glory (v30)
God’s complete plan of salvation
Externally, our body will be redeem (v23)
Internally, we will be mold into the image of Jesus (v29)
Not only the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, Jesus also intercedes for us (v34)
Nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God (V31 – V39)
Notice 5 questions: (v31,v32,v33,v34,v35)
The answer is NO. Because we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ who loves us (v37)