神复兴以色列,除了要建造城墙(6:16),还兴起忠心又敬畏祂的领袖带领百姓保护圣城,抵挡仇敌,和感动(7:5) 尼希米数算百姓,使有家谱的选民能够以信心住各城内(7:6,73;8:1) , 承受神应许的产业。
My current View of the Validity of Parachurch Ministries
This paper will address the topic of parachurch and will argue that the parachurch movement is a valid form of Christian ministry. First, I will provide biblical, theological, and historical support for my thesis. Then, I will discuss the positive impacts and negative effects of parachurch ministries on the modern church. Biblically, the ministry of … Read more
Seven Church Ministry Models
This paper will address the topic of the seven church ministry models and will argue that I agree with Svigel’s proposal, which is “as one moves from models 1 through 6, the need for wise, well-informed, intentional, and consistent attention to the marks and works increases, perhaps exponentially. Church leaders and members need to be … Read more