Why Preaching Is Still Necessary for the 21st Century?

Author: Ken Yeo Date: 2022-11-26 Introduction Preaching is in danger in the 21st century. In his 1982 influential book, John Scott laid out three contemporary objectives for preaching.[1] First, society is increasing anti-authority. People believe everything is relative and subjective.[2] Second, technology like television and computer has distracted people’s attention from preaching. It is even … Read more

What must you do to be a good servant of Christ Jesus?

Preached on November 8, 2022 in Dallas Theological Seminary. Introduction In 1967, a young man graduated from DTS at age 26. He returned back to his hometown to teach in a bible college for a few years. And then, he was called to be the pastor of a Baptist church in Chicago. It was a … Read more

Eternal Rewards for Pastors

Eternal Rewards for Pastors

How you live for Christ in this life will determine how Christ will reward you in eternity.

Eternal Rewards for Pastors

Introduction (Image) Imagine your graduation day has finally arrived. You are extremely excited. You have worked very hard for four years. You have been waiting for this day to come. At the graduation service, your friends and family are there. Your fellow graduates are there. The professors are there. The president, Dr. Mark Yarbrough, is … Read more

Don’t Grab (Genesis 25:19-34)

Don't Grab (Genesis 25:19-34)

You should live by faith not by flesh.

Minister failure is ministry failure (Mark 9:14-29)

Minister failure is ministry failure (Mark 9:14-29)

What can we learn from the disciples’ failure to cast out a demon?

No sacrifice is too great for Christ (Mark 1:1-20)

No sacrifice is too great for Christ (Mark 1:1-20)

Because 1) it is our greatest honor to serve Christ, 2) we should follow Christ’s example, and 3) Christ would turn our sacrifice into something greater than anything we could imagine.

Don’t Grab (Genesis 25:19-34)

Preached on 2022-7-13 at DTS by Ken Yeo. Introduction (Put on headscarf) My grandpa came from a foreign land, why did he come? Because Yahweh spoke to him. Yahweh promised He will make grandpa’s descendants a nation, give them a land, and the entire world will be blessed through grandpa. When dad was 40 years … Read more

Minister Failure is Ministry Failure (Mark 9:14-29)

Preached on 2022-7-6 at Dallas Theological Seminary. Introduction I like you to think of a minister who had failed in his ministry and is well known in the Christian community. I will give you some profiles as examples. A world-famous apologist who believed in his own ability to convince the audience but had a secret … Read more