
1 Timothy Introduction


Paul identified himself as the author on 1:1. Paul wrote a total of 13 letters in the NT, all the letters were addressed to local churches, except 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, which were addressed to an individual.

Some modern liberal scholars suggested these three letters were written by not by Paul, but by a Paulinist one or two generations removed from Paul. For me it is pretty clear that it was Paul of Tarsus who wrote these letters. The introduction of all three letters clearly tell us that it was Paul who wrote to Timothy and Titus, their relationships were clearly documented in Acts.


The following is a short timeline of Paul’s ministry:

48-56 AD

Paul three missionary journeys. Wrote Galatians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians in 51/52AD. Wrote Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians in 55/56AD

56-60 AD

Paul in Jerusalem, Caesarea and finally arrived in Rome

61-62 AD

Paul under house arrest in Rome. Wrote Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon in 61/62AD

63-66 AD

Paul was released from Rome and traveled to Ephesus and Create. He left Timothy in Ephesus and Titus in Create. He wrote 1 Timothy and Titus in 65/66AD.


Paul was imprisoned the second time in Rome. Wrote 2 Timothy, the last letter by Paul.


Timothy was the son of a Greek father and Jewish mother (Acts 16:1).

His mother Eunice and grandmother Lois were both known for their sincere faith (2 Tim 1:5).

Paul first met Timothy in Lystra on his 1st missionary journey (Acts 14:6;16:1)

Timothy already knew and believed the OT, thanks to his mother and grandmother (2 Tim 3:15), and Paul took him on a a promising protege.

Paul became like a spiritual father to Timothy, referring to him as “my true son in the faith” (1 Tim 1:2) , and my dear son (2 Tim 1:2; Phil 2:22)

Timothy became Paul closest coworker. Six of Paul’s epistles include Timothy in the salutations (2 Cor 1:1; Phil 1:1; Col 1:1; 1 Thes 1:1; 2 Thes 1:1; Philemon 1).

Timothy has become so dear to Paul that in the apostle’s last message was a touching appeal for Timothy to join him in his final days (2 Tim 1:4;4:9, 21).

After Paul was released from the Roman’s prison the 1st time. He revisited the churches in Asia minor, including Ephesus and left Timothy there to provide leadership to the church. Then after an internval Paul wrote Timothy this letter.

Timothy may have been by nature somewhat passive, timid, easily intimidated (2 Tim 1:7). Thus Paul repeatedly spurred him into action (1 Tim 1:3; 4:11; 5:7; 6:2;2 Tim 3:14). He was to let nothing, including his relative youth ( 1 Tim 4:12) stand in the way of his performance of duty (2 Tim 2:1-7). Like a good soldier he was to fight the good fight (1 Tim 1:18), protecting the truth and propagating the gospel using his spiritual gifts ( 1 Tim 4:14; 2 Tim 1:6).

Key Topics in Each Chapters

Chapter 1

  1. Warning against false teachers, protect the glorious gospel
  2. The grace of Jesus has changed Paul from a persecutor of Christians, a blasphemer, a violent man to a servant of Christ
  3. Hand over those who rejected faith and good conscience to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme

Chapter 2

  1. Instructions concerning prayers (2:1-7)
  2. Instructions concerning men and women (2:8-15)

Chapter 3

  1. Instructions concerning elders and deacons (3:1-13)

Chapter 4

  1. Warning against deceiving spirits and demons
  2. Spiritual Training
  3. Life and Doctrine are both important for a minister of Christ

Charter 5

  1. Concerning various age-groups
  2. Concerning widows
  3. Concerning elders

Chapter 6

  1. Concerning salves and masters
  2. Concerning false doctrines and greediness
  3. Concerning man of God
  4. Concerning the rich
  5. Guard what has been entrusted to your care.


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