Monthly Archives: December 2022

4 posts

How to resolve conflicts in life?

Preached at DTS on 2022-12-13. Outline Theological Proposition: The biblical way to resolve conflict is by examining one’s own faults, reconciling with others, and trusting in God’s sovereignty. Introduction Body (Transition) After you have looked inward, you need to… (Transition) After you have looked inwardly and outwardly, you need to… Conclusion How did I handle the car accident? I look […]


我们有两个读经计划,第一个是生命之道一年顺序读经计划,第二个是生命之道一年旧新约读经计划。 读经的目的是认识三一神,让我们的生命渐渐被磨成基督的形象。 生命之道一年顺序读经计划 生命之道一年顺序读经计划 LogosZoes One Year Sequential Bible Reading Plan 特点 简单:顺着圣经次序从创世纪读到启示录 集中:每天只读几章连续的经文,帮助明白上下文,有属于集中读者的关注力 生命之道一年旧新约读经计划 生命之道一年旧新约读经计划 特点 同时读旧约和新约:帮助联系旧约应许和新约实现 常年阅读诗篇:帮助从年初到年终赞美、感谢和呼求神