Paul and Timothy
All the saints, overseers and deacons. These are the members of a local church.
Thanksgiving and Prayers (v1-11)
v3: how often do we remember other believers in our prayers?
v3: Do you thank God in your prayers? Or do you just know how to ask God for things?
v4: There are times we pray with brokenness, and there are times we pray with joy.
v5: ever since Paul brought the gospel to Philippi on his second missionary trip, the Philippians immediately began to support Paul financially and in prayers, thus partnering with Paul in the gospel.
v6: Good work is the salvation of spirit, completion means the salvation of soul and body. On the Lord Jesus second coming, He will reward believers from the “”judgement seat of Christ” (2 Cor 5:10) based on their faithfulness to Him. Eventually, at the “Day of Christ Jesus”, all believers, body, soul and spirit will be saved.
v8: “Affection of Christ Jesus”, not affection of our own, but of our Lord.
v9: Love needs to be complimented with knowledge and insight of spiritual things, so that we can have discernment on spiritual things. Love without spiritual discernment could lead to undesired results.
v9: Spiritual discernment helps us to be pure and blameless. Without spiritual discernment, it is hard to stay pure, because we would be deceived by Satan to do thing that displeases the Lord Jesus in the name of love.
v10: “the day of Christ” is mentioned the second time in this epistle.
v11: “fruit of righteousness”. Our righteousness came from Christ. The fruit of righteousness is the fruit of Christ’s Spirit, the fruit of Holy Spirit (Gal 5).
“In chains for Christ” (v12-18)
v13: Paul was in chains for Christ, and because of his chains, other believers have been greatly encouragement to boldly proclaim the word of God. Oh, let’s us have the will and desire to be in chained for Christ, for the benefits of the saints.
v18: […The important thing is that in ever way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.] Some preachers in the church may have selfish motive to preach Christ, God will deal with the person individually at the judgement seat of Christ. However regardless of their motives, God in His wisdom could still use the situation to advance His kingdom.
The live is Christ and to Die is gain (v19-26)
v19: [..for my deliverance..].. obviously Paul is not talking about deliverance of his spirit, since his spirit was delivered the moment he believed in Jesus, on the road to damascus in his case. He is either talking about deliverance of his physical body from the prison, or deliverance of his soul.
v20: [… Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death]. Christ filled the mind of Paul. Whether he is alive, or death, he desires one thing: to glorify his Lord. Most people today filled our mind with things that has no eternal meaning, as christians, we ought to have the desire to exalt the Lord as Paul did.
v21: [For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain]. Christ is the reason why Paul lived. He lived for Christ. Is that the purpose of our life? Do you have the desire to say [to live is Christ]? or do we desire to say “to live is me”. Sadly, many christians know the right thing to say, but a lot of time we live for ourselves, not for the Lord. Let’s repent and live for Him!
v23: Paul loves the Lord so much that he desire to depart this world to be with Christ!
Conduct Yourselves in a Manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ (v27-30)
v27: How we conduct ourselves could have eternal impact on others. We represent Christ on this earth, we are his ambassadors! What a privilege to be an ambassador for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! How sadly many christians do not see that and conduct our manner unworthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
v29: [For it has been granted… to suffer to Him]. Everybody experienced suffering in life at lease once. But it is only by the grace of God that we suffer for Christ! If we are suffering because of our faith in Christ, considered it a privilege and a blessing! (Matth 5:10-12).