Romans 12- 16 : (Application of Christian life)
Romans 9 – 11 : Israel as a way to answer questions raised from Romans 1- 8
Question: Did God’s words fail?
Paul brings up issue of Jews being cut off from Christ. (v3),
But what about God’s promise to Israel: (v4), Jer 31:33
- Adoption as sons,Divine glory,Covenants,Law,Temple worship,promises
Answer: God’s words did NOT fail. (v6)
Man failed when we did not see the fullness of God’s words.
Promise vs Not of the Promise
- Isaac was a child of promise, but Ishmael and the rest of the siblings are not. (v6-7;Gen 17; Genesis 25: 1-2)
- We are not “natural children” of Abraham.
- We who believe in Christ are children of a promise also.( John 1:12, Rom 11:11-21)
God’s election ( God’s will vs. Human Will)
- God’s choice is not based on what a person does.(v11)
- Illustrated by Jacob and Esau
- Jacob vs Esau –
- Esau was eldest, and should receive blessing
- Jacob desired what Esau was willing to give away
- God sees inside the heart of man
- Jacob vs Esau –
- Illustrated by Christ dying on the cross
- Christ died on the cross while we were still sinners (Rom 5:8)
- Illustrated by Jacob and Esau
- God is sovereign
- Israel was chosen not because they were great – Deut7:7-8
- We humans cannot complain against God (v20)
- God’s will always superior to man’s
- Pharaoh as an example (v17-18, Ex 9:16)
- Pharaoh’s hardened heart showed more of God’s glory
- God allows object of wrath to show mercy (v22-23)
- Through sin, we see God’s power and glory manifested as he is victorious over sin.
- God allows evil if it means that it serves his purpose (Gen 50:20)
- God does NOT do evil, he allows evil to occur
- Also, God intends for evil to occur, nothing is beyond his control. (Rom 8:28)
- God does NOT do evil, he allows evil to occur
- God elected before the creation of the world. (Eph 1:4, 2:10, Jude 4)
- God promises us that if we believe we become his children
- God is sovereign
- God allows evil but God does not do evil
- God cannot be blamed for the failures of man (James 1:13-14)
- God made this promise before creation