Yearly Archives: 2022

24 posts

How to resolve conflicts in life?

Preached at DTS on 2022-12-13. Outline Theological Proposition: The biblical way to resolve conflict is by examining one’s own faults, reconciling with others, and trusting in God’s sovereignty. Introduction Body (Transition) After you have looked inward, you need to… (Transition) After you have looked inwardly and outwardly, you need to… Conclusion How did I handle the car accident? I look […]


我们有两个读经计划,第一个是生命之道一年顺序读经计划,第二个是生命之道一年旧新约读经计划。 读经的目的是认识三一神,让我们的生命渐渐被磨成基督的形象。 生命之道一年顺序读经计划 生命之道一年顺序读经计划 LogosZoes One Year Sequential Bible Reading Plan 特点 简单:顺着圣经次序从创世纪读到启示录 集中:每天只读几章连续的经文,帮助明白上下文,有属于集中读者的关注力 生命之道一年旧新约读经计划 生命之道一年旧新约读经计划 特点 同时读旧约和新约:帮助联系旧约应许和新约实现 常年阅读诗篇:帮助从年初到年终赞美、感谢和呼求神

Why Preaching Is Still Necessary for the 21st Century?

Author: Ken Yeo Date: 2022-11-26 Introduction Preaching is in danger in the 21st century. In his 1982 influential book, John Scott laid out three contemporary objectives for preaching.[1] First, society is increasing anti-authority. People believe everything is relative and subjective.[2] Second, technology like television and computer has distracted people’s attention from preaching. It is even more true today with the […]

Martin Luther’s Teaching on Preaching for Spiritual Formation

Introduction This research paper is for the course PM5510, Spiritual Formation in Historical Perspective, conducted in the Fall of 2022 at Dallas Theological Seminary. My topic is Martin Luther’s teaching on preaching for spiritual formation. First, I will situate him within his historical context and consider the historical stream from which he emerges. Second, I will summarize and critically interact […]


利未记的重要性 书名和对象 出埃及记和利未记的对比 出埃及记 利未记 开始于罪人 开始于圣徒 救赎 圣洁 神从西奈山说话 神从会幕说话 神赐下道德的律法 神赐下敬拜的律法 在摩西五经的地位 时间 分段 利未记的分段鲜明,整本书分成四大段: 前三大段是一组的,都是说到献祭:1-7章提到以色列人献的祭有五种,8-10章提到祭司预备的祭有三种,14-16章提到不洁净的人事物也需要献祭 如何明白利未记 主题:圣洁 基督的豫表 燔祭(1章;6:8-13) 素祭(2章;6:14-23) 平安祭(fellowship offering)-(3章;7:11-21) 赎罪祭(Sin offering)-(4章;6:24-30) 赎愆祭(5章;7:1-10) 无残疾的定义 五祭的意义 献祭的条例(6:8-7:38) 五祭总结 祭司的预备(8章-10章) 洁净和不洁净(十一章-十五章) 食物(十一章) 产妇的不洁净(十二章) 大麻风:罪(十三章-十四章) 漏症(十五章) 洁净的供应(十六章:赎罪日) 成圣的生活(十七章-二十二章) 十七章-献祭的地方和不可吃血 十八章-淫乱(家庭) 十九章-各项法例(社会) 二十章-婚姻的圣洁 二十一章-二十二章:祭司的圣洁生活 二十三章:耶和华的节期 安息日(23:3) 七节期 逾越节(1月14日) 无酵节(1月15日-21日) 初熟节(1月16日) 五旬节(初熟节后50日) 吹角节(7月1日):召聚百姓预备赎罪日 赎罪日(7月10日) 住棚节(7月15日-22日):纪念全年丰收,向神感恩:千年国度 二十四章:点灯,陈设饼,公正的审判 安息年(25章) 禧年(25章) 约的惩罚和赏赐(二十六章) 奉献(二十七章):分别为圣

Eternal Rewards for Pastors

Introduction (Image) Imagine your graduation day has finally arrived. You are extremely excited. You have worked very hard for four years. You have been waiting for this day to come. At the graduation service, your friends and family are there. Your fellow graduates are there. The professors are there. The president, Dr. Mark Yarbrough, is there. Your name is called. […]

What are the three views of the New Covenant in Dispensationalism

Dr. Ryrie teaches that there are two New Covenants. The New Covenant promised in Jeremiah 31 is only for Israel, not for the church. It has not been inaugurated on Christ’s first advent (Rom 11:26-27) but will be inaugurated and fulfill to Israelites in the millennium kingdom. Christ inaugurated another New Covenant with the NT believers. It is not the […]