- 不灰心寡妇的祷告(1-8)
- 法利赛人和税吏的祷告(9-14)
- 像小孩接受神的国(15-17)
- 富足的官寻求永生(18-30)
- 耶稣预言死与复活(31-34)
- 医治耶利哥的瞎子(35-43)
Tag: 基督的死
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圣徒学习008 主耶稣是在逾越节的筵席之前还是之后被钉十字架?
/RSS Feed- 大部分基督徒会回答在逾越节的宴席之后,因为主和门徒吃了逾越节的晚餐
- 但是如何解释约翰18:28的记载呢?
- Joh 18:28 众人将耶稣从该亚法那里往衙门内解去,那时天还早。他们自己却不进衙门,恐怕染了污秽,”不能吃逾越节的筵席。”
- 约翰还记载主耶稣被彼拉多审问的时候是在预备逾越节的日子,彼拉多审判主的时候,是在逾越节的筵席之前吗?
- Joh 19:14 那日是”预备逾越节的日子“,约有午正。彼拉多对犹太人说:「看哪,这是你们的王!」
RSS Feed神的福音是全备的,因信称义的人的盼望是极荣耀的,而且是不会失望的,是有确据的。因为人得救,是因为神的爱,不是因着人的行为。当我们还是罪人的时候,基督就为我们死了,神的爱就在此显明了!
当我们看见神的恩典是如此的大,神对我们的爱是如此的深, 神救赎的计划是如此的荣耀时,我们该有的反应就是依靠圣灵,以神为我们的喜乐,以认识神,敬拜神,服事神为我们的满足,一切的荣耀都归给神!
RSS Feed从赎罪祭中认识神对罪的定义,提醒基督徒常审查自己,如有犯罪,立刻依靠基督为我们的赎罪祭,向神认罪,恢复与神的交通
RSS Feed从赎罪祭认识基督如何为罪人被钉死在十字架上为人赎罪,因此认识人如何在犯罪后得赦免回复与神的交通
RSS Feed从燔祭认识基督照神的旨意完全的把自己奉献给神,好让基督徒也被主的爱激励,效法基督,愿意把自己每天奉献给神当做活祭
/RSS Feed父神立了旨意,就是救赎罪人的计划。而基督是完全的顺服父神的旨意、为我们的罪舍去自己、成就了天父的旨意。信耶稣的人,就被拯救脱离这个罪恶的世代!愿荣耀归于我们的天父,知道永永远远,阿们!
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Isaiah 53
Exaltation of God’s Suffering Servant
Isaiah ’53 prophesies Jesus crucifixion. The best way to explain the bible is using the bible itself. In Act 8, A Ethiopian eunuch was reading Isaiah 53. He asked Philips, “Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?”. Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus.
v1-4: Life and Ministry of Jesus
v5-8: Death of Jesus
v9: Burial of Jesus
v10-12: Resurrection and Exaltation of Jesus
- v1: [Who has believed our message]. Many throughput the centuries chose not to believe in in Jesus Christ.
- v1: The arm of the LORD means the power of God. The gospel is the power of God (Roman 1)
- v2: This verse talks about the life of Jesus. Tender shoot means even He has great power, He chose not to use His power. It talks about Jesus’s humility.
- v2: root out of dry ground means Jesus humble life while growing up. Although He was the root of David, but because Israel was under the reign of the Romans, Jesus was only the son of a carpenter.
- v2: Jesus did not have a physically attractive appearance.
- v3: Jesus was despised and rejected by the Jews during His earthly ministry, and He was despised by many throughout the 20 centuries.
- v4: Jesus died on the cross for men, for men’s sins. However many men thought Jesus was punished by God.
- v5: We have peace and our pains are healed when we believe in what Jesus did on the cross for us. He took the punishment that was meant for us.
- v6: The reason why Jesus needed to be crucified, is because we have gone astray, we turned to our own way, away from God.
- v7: It was read by the Ethiopian eunuch and explained by Philip. When Jesus was tortured, He did not open His mouth.
- v8: [He was cut off from the land of the living]. Our Lord Jesus die on the cross.
- v9: The burial of Jesus. Jesus was crucified with two other wicked criminals. He was then buried in a rich man tomb, as prophesied here.
- v10: The Cross is not accidental, it was God’s plan to redeem the fallen world. So it was God who crush Jesus on the cross.
- v11: After his crucifixion, He saw the light of life, which is the redeemed people, the church.
- v12: The [Therefore] reminds us of the therefore in Phil 2:9. The Servant was willing to suffer, therefore God was willing to act. What did God give to Christ? I think God gives Christ the victory over satan. God also gives Christ to be the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. And Christ is going to share His victory over satan and His authority as Lord of all created things to His church.Jesus Himself quoted this verse and said it was referring to Him. Luke 22:37 “For I tell you that this which is written must be fulfilled in Me, ‘AND HE WAS NUMBERED WITH TRANSGRESSORS’; for that which refers to Me has its fulfillment.” Mark also quoted this verse in Mark 15:28, which he was depicting the crucification of Christ.
[Yet He Himself bore the sin of many, And interceded for the transgressors.] This prophesy cannot be any clearer. This suffering Servant of God will bore the sin of many. Look back to history, did or could the country Israel bore the sin of many? Did any one else in the history of man kind who bore the sin of many, except the Lord Jesus Christ? Great teachers throughout the centuries touch great teachings. But that is only one that bore the sin of the world.
That is not the end of the story. Christ did not only bore the sin of many, He interceded for the transgressors. [But Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” And they cast lots, dividing up His garments among themselves.] Luke 23:34. Jesus interceded for one romans soldiers who crucified Him. After His resurrection and ascension, He is now seating on the throne interceding for us.
[who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us] Rom 8:34.
[Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.] Heb 7:25.