- 使徒行传 2:17-18 是不是教导现今的基督徒应该追求说预言,见异像,和作异梦?
- 亵渎圣灵是什么意思?
- 作先知讲道是什么意思?
- 基督徒应该奉耶稣基督的名,还是奉圣父、圣子、圣灵的名受洗?
- 如何服侍失去亲人的非基督徒朋友?
- What to do when you run out of joy in life? (John 2:1-12)
- 歌罗西书概要-基督是神一切的丰盛
- Psalm 11 Exegetical Paper
- Response Paper for Plowshares & Pruning Hooks: Rethinking Prophecy & Apocalyptic by Brent Sandy
- How do we renew our fellowship with God?
- 系统神学导论
- How to resolve conflicts in life?
- What can you do to win spiritual warfare? (James 3:1-4:12)
- 读经计划
- Why Preaching Is Still Necessary for the 21st Century?
- What must you do to be a good servant of Christ Jesus?
- Martin Luther’s Teaching on Preaching for Spiritual Formation
- 利未记概要
- Eternal Rewards for Pastors
- What are the three views of the New Covenant in Dispensationalism
- Doctrinal Synthesis Paper
- Personal Eschatology
- Orthodox Eschatology
- 认识天父的心意(以弗所书1:15-24)
- Don’t Grab (Genesis 25:19-34)
- Minister Failure is Ministry Failure (Mark 9:14-29)
- No sacrifice is too great for Christ (Mark 1:1-20)
- 为何要在冲突中作和平使者
- Reflection on The Life of Jonathan Edwards
- The Biblical Theology and Applications of Pastors as Shepherds, Priests, Kings, Prophets, and Sages
- 邀请主耶稣与你一同上班(弗六5-9)
- You belong to God (Ephesians 1:11-14)
- 十架七言:成了(约19:30)
- Come Feast With Jesus (Proverbs 9:10)
- My current View of the Validity of Parachurch Ministries
- Seven Church Ministry Models
- Ezra Chapter 2 Notes
- Ezra Chapter 3 Notes
- 神爱世人(约翰福音三14-21)
- 见证耶稣必要的事(西4:2-6)
- Authenticity of Second Peter
- 如何脱离忧虑?(腓立比书4:2-9)
- 如何做基督的仆人(歌罗西书4:7-18)
- 见证耶稣必要的事(歌罗西书4:2-6)
- 工作是侍奉(歌罗西书3:22-4:1)
- Respond to Grenz & Olson’s Who Needs Theology
- 满心知道神的旨意(西1:9-11)
- 创世记概要
- 全然成圣(帖前5:19-28)
- He comes to change lives (Matt 1:18-25)
- Book Review for Care of Souls: Revisioning Christian Nurture and Counsel by David Benner
- 5 Biblical Truths on Parenting
- 你们要称谢耶和华!(诗118)-感恩节信息
- 黑夜已深,白昼将近(罗马书13:11-14)
- 我将你的话深藏的心里
- 基督徒应该禁食吗?
- Five Advantages For Learning Greek In The Ministry Context
- 旧约的律法和基督的律法的关系
- Habakkuk’s Chart
- Historical Background on Philemon
- Review of The Basic of Verbal Aspect in Biblical Greek by Constantine R. Campbell
- Book Review of Surprised by The Voice of God by Jack Deere
- 为何流便和犹大都犯了淫乱,王却可以从犹大支派出来?
- 带领诗歌的一些学习
- 申命记12-26章的分段
- 大卫数点军兵的数目
- 基督徒应该上法庭控告或者维护自己的权利吗?
- 示剑
- 圣经章节数目
- 五旬节-教会的诞生
- 以弗所书背经计划
- 示罗
- 约帕
- 什么是符合圣经金钱奉献的原则?
- 凯撒利亚腓立比
- 2018年五大圣经考古发现
- 彼拉多的戒指
- 一个比加(beka)重量的小石头
- 婴孩死了会上天堂吗?
- 在什么情况下可以离婚和再婚?
- 犹太人庆祝赎罪日前的诗歌与祷告
- 应许之地不是平面的
- 基督徒应该如何的看待以色列人?
- 牧人牧场(Spepherds’ Field)
- 加低斯巴尼亚(Kadesh Barnea)
- 拿撒勒
- 伯利恒
- 平安金灯台(Menorat Hashalom)
- 以色列人在埃及繁茂与受苦笔记(出埃及记第一章)
- 细读创世记总结
- 创世记-第五十章-雅各的安葬和约瑟之死笔记
- 创世记-第五十五课-第四十八章-雅各祝福约瑟二子笔记
- 创世记-第五十四课-第四十七章-雅各给法老祝福和给约瑟遗嘱笔记
- 创世记-第五十三课-第四十六章-约瑟在歌珊地与父亲重逢笔记
- 创世记-第五十二课-第四十五章-约瑟和弟兄相认笔记
- 创世记-第五十一课-第四十四章-约瑟试验哥哥们笔记
- 创世记-第五十课-第四十三章-约瑟第二次会见哥哥们笔记
- 创世记-第四十二章-约瑟初次会见哥哥们笔记
- 创世记-第四十八课-第四十一章-约瑟穿细麻衣得胜笔记
- 创世记-第四十七课-第四十章-约瑟穿囚衣得胜笔记
- 创世记-第四十六课-第三十九章-约瑟穿奴衣得胜笔记
- 创世记-第四十五课-第三十八章-犹大的失败笔记
- 创世记-第四十四课-第三十七章-约瑟被哥哥所害笔记
- 创世记-第四十三课-第三十六章-以扫的后裔笔记
- 创世记-第四十二课-第三十五章-从伯特利到希伯仑笔记
- 创世记-第四十一课-第三十四章-雅各在示剑得了臭名笔记
- 创世记-第四十课-第三十三章-雅各从毗努伊勒到示剑笔记
- 创世记-第三十九课-第三十二章-雅各从米斯巴到毗努伊勒笔记
- 创世记-第三十八课-第三十一章-雅各动身离开巴旦亚兰到米斯巴笔记
- 创世记-第三十七课-第三十章-在巴旦亚兰的斗争笔记
- 创世记-第三十六课-第二十九章-雅各投奔拉班笔记
- 创世记-第三十五课-第二十八章-雅各离家出走笔记
- 创世记-第三十四课-第二十七章-雅各夺了长子的祝福笔记
- 创世记-第三十三课-第二十六章-以撒在基拉耳和别是巴笔记
- 创世记-第三十二课-第二十五章-亚伯拉罕的晚年和雅各的出生笔记
- 创世记-第三十一课-第二十四章-为以撒取妻笔记
- 创世记-第三十课-第二十三章-撒拉死葬麦比拉洞笔记
- 创世记第二十五课-第十九章-罗得和所多玛1笔记
- 创世记第二十一课-第十五章:神与亚伯兰立约
- 创世记第十九课-第十三章-与罗得分开笔记
- 创世记第十八课-第十二章下-亚伯兰下埃及笔记
- 创世记第十七课-第十二章-亚伯兰进迦南地笔记
- 受浸班交通
- 创世记-第十六课(第十一章)巴别塔和亚伯拉罕的家谱笔记
- 创世记-第十五课-(第十章)挪亚的后代和邦国的由来笔记
- 创世记-第十四课-(第九章:新时代的开始)笔记
- 创世记-第十三课-第八章-洪水消退笔记
- 创世记-第十二课-第七章:洪水泛滥笔记
- 创世记-第十课-(第五章:挪亚的家谱)笔记
- 创世记-第九课(第四章:该隐和亚伯2)笔记
- 创世记-第八课-(第四章:该隐和亚伯1)笔记
- 创世记-第七课(第三章:人的堕落2)笔记
- 创世纪-第五课(第二章:人的构造和责任)笔记
- 创世记-第六课(第三章:人的堕落和救赎的曙光)笔记
- 创世记-第四课(创造的属灵学习)笔记
- 创世记-第三课(第一章:神的创造)笔记
- 创世记-第一课(创造论与进化论)笔记
- Matthew – Chapter 2
- 提摩太前书概要大纲
- 歌罗西书概要大纲
- 腓立比书概要
- 路加福音概要大纲
- 马太福音概要大纲
- 因祂活着
- 两约之间大纲
- 利未记概要大纲
- Manuscript Evidence for Disputed Verses
- 中国教会历史年表
- 圣经考古时期
- 复兴你工作,主!
- 耶利米哀歌大纲
- 我心献曲
- 我知谁掌管明天
- 呼出和吸入
- 祂是我一切
- 神的道路
- 自伯大尼
- 你的信实广大
- 灵粮链接
- 马可福音-第九章
- Matthew 18
- Matthew Chapter 17:1-13 – Transfiguration
- Matthew Chapter 12
- Matthew Chapter 11
- Matthew 6:25-34 – Do Not Worry
- Matthew Chapter 5
- Matthew Chapter 1
- Matthew – Introduction
- Important Topics in Hebrew
- Eight Visions of Zechariah
- Summary of Zechariah’s Prophecies Concerning Christ
- Zechariah Introduction
- Haggai Introduction
- Zephaniah Chapter 3
- Zephaniah Chapter 2
- Zephaniah Chapter 1
- Zephaniah Introduction
- Amos Introduction
- Ezekiel 23 – Prostitute of the world or virgin of Christ?
- Ezekiel 13 – A Lie of Peace
- Ezekiel 6 – They will know that I am Yahweh
- Ezekiel 5 – Shave your head and your beard!
- Ezekiel 4
- Outline of the book of Ezekiel
- The Significance of the Psalms
- Psalms 90 – 95
- Psalm 91
- Psalms 90
- Jeremiah 46 – 52
- Lamentation Overview
- Jeremiah 36
- Jeremiah Introduction
- Jeremiah 4
- 1 Timothy Introduction
- 1 Timothy 4
- 1 Timothy 2
- 2 Chronicles 32
- 2 Chronicles 29
- 2 Chronicles 27
- 2 Chronicles 25
- 2 Chronicles 10 – 36
- 2 Chronicles 12
- 2 Chronicles 11
- 2 Chronicles 8 – 10
- 2 Chronicles 7
- 2 Chronicles 3 – 4
- 2 Chronicles 1
- 1 Chronicles 29
- 1 Chronicles 28
- 1 Chronicles 26
- 1 Chronicles 25
- 1 Chronicles 21
- 1 Chronicles 20
- 1 Chronicles 19
- 1 Chronicles 18
- 1 Chronicles 17
- 1 Chronicles 16
- 1 Chronicles 15
- 1 Chronicles 14
- 1 Chronicles 13-16
- 1 Chronicles 10
- 1 Chronicles 1-9
- 1 Chronicles Introduction
- 2 Thessalonians 3
- 2 Thessalonians 2
- 2 Thessalonians 1
- 1 Thessalonians 5
- 1 Thessalonians 4
- 1 Thessalonians 3
- 1 Thessalonians 2
- 1 Thessalonians 1
- Philippians 4
- Philippians 3
- Philippians 2
- Philippians Introduction
- Philippians 1
- James 5
- James 4
- James 3
- James 2
- James 1
- Daniel 12
- Daniel 11
- Daniel 10
- Daniel 9
- Daniel 8
- Daniel 7
- Daniel 6
- Daniel 5
- Daniel 4
- Daniel 3
- Daniel 2
- Daniel 1
- Daniel Introduction
- Job 42
- Job 40-41
- Job 38 – 39
- Job 37
- Job 36
- Job 35
- Job 34
- Job 33
- Job 32
- Job 31
- Job 30
- Job 29
- Job 28
- Job 27
- Job 26
- Job 25
- Job 23 – 24
- Job 22
- Job 21
- Job 20
- Job 19
- Job18
- Job 16 – 17
- Job 15
- Job 12 – 14
- Job 11
- Job 9 – 10
- Job 8
- Job Introduction
- Ephesians 6
- Ephesians 5
- Ephesians 4
- Ephesians 3
- Ephesians 2
- Ephesians 1
- Ephesians Introduction
- Galatians 6
- Galatians 5
- Galatians 4
- Galatians 3
- Galatians 2
- Galatians 1
- Galatians Introduction
- Isaiah 66
- Isaiah 65
- Isaiah 64
- Isaiah 63
- Isaiah 62
- Isaiah 61
- Isaiah 60
- Isaiah 59
- Isaiah 58
- Isaiah 57
- Isaiah 56
- Isaiah 55
- Isaiah 54
- Isaiah 53
- Isaiah 52
- Isaiah 51
- Isaiah 50
- Isaiah 49
- Isaiah 48
- Isaiah 47
- Isaiah 46
- Isaiah 45
- Isaiah 44
- Isaiah 43
- Isaiah 42
- Isaiah 41
- Isaiah 40
- Isaiah 40 – 66
- Isaiah Introduction
- Psalm 88
- Psalm 87
- Psalm 86
- Psalm 84
- Psalm 83
- Psalm 69
- Psalm 68
- Psalm 67
- Psalm 66
- Psalm 65
- Psalm 64
- Psalm 63
- Psalm 62
- Psalm 61
- Psalm 60
- Psalm 59
- Psalm 58
- Psalm 57
- Psalm 56
- Psalm 55
- Psalm 54
- Psalm 53
- Psalm 52
- Psalm 51
- Psalm 50
- Psalm 49
- Psalm 48
- Psalm 47
- Psalm 46
- Psalm 45
- Psalm 44
- Psalm 42-43
- Romans 15 – The Life of Body of Christ
- Romans 14 – When Christians Disagree
- Romans 13 – Living out Christ in society and relationships
- Romans 1-12 – Key Message on Each Chapter
- Romans 11 -The Future of Israel – God did not reject His people
- Romans 10 – Israel of Present
- Romans 9 – God’s Words do not fail
- Romans 8:18-39 – Bring many sons into glory with Christ
- Romans 8 – Flesh vs. Spirit
- Romans 7 – Struggling with the sinful nature
- Romans 6 – Baptism: Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ
- Romans 5:12-21 – Adam vs. Jesus Christ
- Romans 5:1-11 – Blessings of Justificaiton by Faith
- Romans 4 – Faith
- Romans 3:21-32 – God’s Plan of Redemption
- Romans 2 – The Judgement of God
- Romans 1:18-32 – The Multitude Sins of Men
- Romans 1 – The Power of The Gospel
- Romans 1:1-5 – Seven Major Themes
- Romans – Introduction – Romans is a book about gospel
- Mark 5:35-41 – Jesus Calms a storm
- Mark 4:1-34 – He taught them many things in parables
- Mark 3:19-35 – Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
- Mark 3:7-19 – He appointed twelve
- Mark 2:13-3:6 – Opposition Against Jesus
- Mark 1:35-2:12 – For that is what I came for
- Mark 1:14-35 – End of John’s ministry, start of Jesus’ ministry
- Mark 1:1-13 – The Beginning of the Gospel
- Mark – Introduction